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9/20/03/ what the fuck are you on about child??

oh my fuck. i just realized that for like.. a year now.. i have had this long lost sister and i haven't told you(gentle reader) about her... so go look at the kellimonster's stuff now. do it now or i keel you. NOW. KEEL. we are mindsisters and our brains give birth to terribly inbred grotesque thingies. yay!

i'm fucking tired. i wish i could count how many times i've said that in this horrendous journal. jnhgkbgfr;ndgfr

what? umm... "worthwhile content."

oh! mum and i are going to atlanta tuesday. to get a feel for what living in atlanta would be like. yeah.

i bought a hat. i love my hat. it's a costume hat but i care not. hat.

little glow in the dark skeletons! motherfucker. i love these things. at a dollar store for about forty four cents and they're completely jointed... even the jaw! ARR! i am happy about them. yes.

why the fuck have you read this? it's naught but a giant waste of your time i assure you.

key lime soda. hotdamn.

1:02 a.m. E

9/9/03/ ohhh ho ho my children.

did i mention that you should go to you should you know. for me.

i miss my comma key so very dreadfully. i wish to have proper punctuation again. :C

drinking too much cola. brittle bone girl. can't help it the water tastes awful.

and diet red mountain dew is just too addictive. i know my liver and kidneys hate me.

i keep falling in love with cartoon characters and rock stars and personages (ohmygod! voltaire! he is delicious.! go there now!) and having panic attacks around ordinary people... well.. more paranoia attacks. i merely become very quiet and tense and grit my teeth and ball my fists and bite down the screams that want to come out when i do my grocery shopping.

i think it's this town. i was absolutely fine in atlanta. i have to get away from tifton. i just have to.

i haven't really drawn anything in a month. distress. this might be another tension.

hehe... i watched 'ringu' the other night.. i liked it.. and though i didn't find it all that creepy while i watched it it caused an immense fit f paranoia and a horrible deluge of images in my head when i went to bed that night.. that thing my mind used to do before i went to sleep.. image after image after image- something normal- then it turns hideous- i try to think of something nice- i say aloud 'no! please no.' when my brain twists it into something horrible- back and forth fast as lightning- nice and safe; huge and terrifying- welcome to schizophrenia.

oh yeah. *that's* why i don't watch many scary movies.

oh shit three weeks to twenty-one.

12:55 a.m. E

9/3/03/ jesus loves me this i know

so i go to dragoncon and what do i do?
i take up melissa's skull staff and beat jesus in the ass with it.

well. he was asking for it. (seriously.)

9:36 p.m. E

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