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2001-10-04/ that was one hell of a molotov cocktail.

i sort of want to erase the entire stupid entry i just made... but i'm a lazy bastard so i won't... and besides, if you don't take it seriously, it's very funny. really. is a funland. full of the fun thoughts of a fun girl. fun,fun,fun. all day long. that's all that i ever seem to have; fun. don't believe me? it's just as well. neither do i! yay! **tries to think of other things to type**

there are so many people i'd like to apologize to; and who i would like to apologize to me.

'mommy, what does feces mean?' 'honey, you of all people should know!'

did i say world trade center bombings? i did, didn't i? oh well. you knew what i meant. as i said to my pay-rents, that was one hell of a molotov cocktail.
**eats a mixture of cheese, melon seed pasta, cheese, ketchup, and home made cheese sauce, which has been microwaved and which has sizzled to the side of the plastic everythingbowl.** mm, plastic.
i have to potty.

someone give me some footage or new pictures of Mariloon. i miss getting a new glimpse of him every once in a while. dampt. **looks at** a tourniquet toy? a tourniquet toyy?!?!?!?! **looks at disposable teens toy** HAW! i lub it! my gawd! my, my. but then, no one can top my foxy ariel.
am i right? am i right?! and oh yeah >>side note: i found her fur coat. which i made. for her. long ago. so now she won't be cold come winter! yay! harrumph.
so, i haven't put my site back up yet. i might just now. yay.

ARR! I MUST OBSESS WITH SOMEONE! MUST.... OB.... SESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn i miss obsessing. i love to obsess! haven't you NOTICED you unfeeling TOAD?! oh, i'm sorry. i didn't mean that. really. i din't.

what?! is that who's line is it anyway i hear? shiest! (though it should be whose line is it anyway.) is it whose? or is it who's? RARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
i think the everythingbowl's plastic has gotten to me. and i still need to potty. did you know i starved myself today? i did, truly! it was fun! is self-starvation some sort of masochism? IS IT? well. i did just eat that melon seed pasta. ketchup?! KETCHUP?! i lOVe ketchup! DAMN YOU! ketchup is nice. and has no carbohydrates! NO! well, hardly any. so it doesn't count! DRINK KETCHUP! add to your spookyness and tell people it is BLOOD. add red food coloring to make it darker. BLACK. BLACK food coloring. OHH MY INTESTEENS! NOT MY INTESTEENS, ARRRG!

you know, i watched edward scissorhands the other week and realized how very much i do love that movie. and johnny depp. i lovE him. i hate drew carey! he's a piggy bitCh! bItch! he can suck my dick. yay. wait, no! no, i want johnny depp to suck my dick! wait... no, i don't have one. oh, shit.


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