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2001-10-01/ bitter kitty cemetery ho.

GASP! is it possible that i am nineteen? no. no, i won't accept this. no.

i is da kitty cemetery ho. thank you.

oh, sweet jesus on a stick! that really is the cutest industrial goth album ever!
he looks just like my poor georgey! :O
i'll probably make an album for my Marilyn one day. poor dude losing his baby to feline leukemia! (i've lost several to it.)
so. yeah. more entries since i'm all jittery with new-modemness. and, also, i went back to kat0nine and read all my old entries. whee. remember when the only online journals were just pages made by a scant few? whew hew.
(my, aren't we full of links today? harrumph.)
i am rather uninteresting. don't you think?

i'm bringing back the 'Marilyn is damned sexay' layout because... Marilyn is damned sexay. and so i loved that layout. and it's sort of shocking to people, so yay. (why? why should it be shocking? >:D) people i've met at the library and at the theater and at city hall where i did my community service are all like, interested in me and some junk, so several people have visited my site. including a dude named craig who works at the comic book store (tifton has a comic book store!) who is a smacktastic artist. yay.
people be strange, methinks.

so should i comment on the world trade center bombings? you probably wouldn't approve of the fact that for some reason it broke me out of a deep blue funk i was in at the time... i'm sick of it. it was horrible, it was awful, it was tragic, it was three weeks ago. and as the pundits babble on with their incessant drivel about the new kind of war, i keep thinking about this fact, which you should think of, too: jesus christ was just a poor nice dude who was nailed to a cross.

should i stop commenting now?

i think, and you may not think is even remotely possible, but i think i've become somewhat more bitter. can you imagine!


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