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2002-04-27/ CHICKEN! i'm gonna EAT YOU!

fuck. fuckfuckfuckfuckityfuckfuck.

heehee. it's just that i'm depressed as... well, fuck again. big surprise! yum.

i want to take a big knife to myself, but i'm a coward. wheeeeeeee. i can't even do what i used to... snip at myself with scissors... that really hurt, by the way, and i stopped at the vein because goddamn. it hurt.
but GAAAHHHHHHHH. i'm so tired and blablabla everything said here has been said five hundred sixty two thousand three hundred eighty seven times before by myself...
i'm boring and repetitive. another reason to want to implode.

at least zim came on today... will come on tomorrow... woooo... my only reason for survival... la.

*gasp* it's got CHICKEN LEGS.

9:57 p.m. E

2002-04-26/ tell me a story about giant pigs! (another inane, insane entry.)

when i was a leetle squirrel, i had the first dj jazzy jeff and the fresh prince tape, and now the only thing i can really remember from it is: "i gotta go to the bathroom... PSYCH!" which was at the end of a song.
don't you miss the eighties? ah.

wooooo there's some other dude who has a nny layout. no fair! haw :D

yum. delicious polluted city water. it makes me go CRAZY in the pants. (mike, mike, where arrrr you, get online, i wish to spout nonsense at someone other than myself...)

i'm being random again. ooooo. spooky. but... fun? spooky fun. SPOOKY FUN iz da BEST.

why have i posted so many entries today? arr, i dunno. i just be a crazy you sell PIE at reasonable RATES?
why YES. yes i DO.

**giggles explosively for no reason.**

ummmm. i'm working on yet another doll. since i have no other projects started, i... had to start one. it's an old child-baby doll with prittily colored hair... i painted her white, and shall do her up like oh-so-lovely melora of my beloved rasputina. aren't you happy for me? of course you are. then after, or perhaps during, that, i shall make a teensy voot cruiser because... i want to, and because some dude offered to pay me MONIES for one.
monies are good.
i've got these lurvely clear plastic balls that pop in half (for chrimmah decorations) that will be perfect. for that. yes. i've been watching my much-watched tape today, pausing and pausing, sketching studies for it... when the toys you want are not sold, MAKE them, my children. do.

dumdumdum te dum te dumdum... "once there was a little girl who was loved by all. she had an adorable red cape and... GREAT FLAMING EYEBROWS!"
"and the wolf attacked little red hood, unaware that she had LASER EYE beams."

the grandchild monster is here. have i ever told you that i hate childrens?

7:29 p.m. E

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