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10/3/02/ no one here makes it out alive

i posted my poop doody drawing on my deviantart site. i am disturbed.
but it is a good study in shading. dammit. i hate the drawing so much. but it's so damned good. DAMN YOU, POOP DOGG.

so now i'm listening to the drippingly goth disc. ahhhhh. calm my nerves, dripping gothness.
hmm, i have never even told you the name of this disc or band. it's called 'blowing bubbles through broken windows' by twelfth of never. hee! don't you love the names of both, even? so cute! CUTE!!! gah.

i just thought of my diaryland banner, if i ever go GOLD! (as that banner says :D)

well, children, i'm going to technical school now. mmmyep. all of my classes this quarter are a lark, too. business english(ha! grammar! ha!), introduction to microprocessors(ha! computers! haha!), interpersonal relations(hee! how to be nice to people! HOO!), and document processing(HAHA! TYPING! HAHAHA!). phew. okay. i better now.

atlanta grows closer.

8:02 p.m. E

10/1/02/ come on fang... let's dance!

for my birthday yesterday, i received one box each of count chokula, frankenberry, and booberry.

and my god, are they delicious. tomorrow, i'm going to combine the three in one bowl, and destroy the universe.

i also, finally, got a zip drive, and so was able to retrieve the hundreds and hundreds of things on my zip disks. yeeee! hundreds of lovely mariloon pictures among those files. ahhh. i was so happy.
and, seeing as these disks were from the beginning of ninety-nine, there were many memories. including a quasi-journal page that ended a couple of months before the launch of diaryland... hee. my goodness.
oh! and lexi! there were even the sample title graphics for pixel dust we'd made! sigh. memories. :D

which reminds me. ye gods. i'm twenty. this is not good. i've broken the solemn promise i made to myself years and years ago. i'm not dead.

meh... i was going to tell you about the exploding tire on my car yesterday, but i don't want to anymore. fah.

8:14 p.m. E

9/29/02/ did i ever tell you that my cousin is the bluebird of happiness?

did i tell you? DID I TELL YOU? that some people at dragoncon were dressed as the blue meanies and i DID NOT see them? this angered me greatly. pooh.

go to and praise my stoopit art works! PRAISE THEM! do.

i went to albany yesterday (read: the BIG city 'round these here parts! yeehaw!)and got many halloweenie thingies :D. yay. and! i got a typing-paper sized big fat sketch book. yes. this is good.

ah made it mahself!

9:25 p.m. E

9/27/02/ we want to give you the courage to go a different way.

mum's computer is being a slow bitch. **punches computer in the head**

i've got that lovely throat-and-sinuses-are-lined-with-gasoline-soaked-cotton feeling that one gets with a nasty cold. meh. i rarely get sick, but when i do, i really do. i woke up this morning with thick, bloody phlegm balls in my nostrils. mmmmmm. i couldn't breathe. hee!

i am really very excited about leaving this place for atlanta. i would like to go further, to a cleaner, colder place, but step by step. my mental state is such that i think it would be easier for me to go little by little. and i am familiar with atlanta... i've been there several times and such, and i feel confidant that i could find a transcription job up there. and hell, if i can't, i'll work at the library. or junkman's daughter. (a store which, i feel, i shall visit often.)

i'm making all sorts of atlantan plans and such... how i'll decorate my apartment (lots of jack-o-lanterns. god i loves me some jack-o-lanterns. :D ) and what color i shall dye my hair once i get there... hee.

i'm just. excited.

and. i shall be very alone. my parents plan to move to oregon as soon as they see that i am settled. which is good. yay for them. they want to go. my mum is, of course, very worried about me, but i says to her, i says, "mum! i have to do this. i have to be who i am, by myself. have experiences. stuff."

so (scared shitless) excited.

10:15 a.m. E

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