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9/23/02/ brrrraaaaaaaiiinnnssssssss...

ahaaa! god, i am a giant. fah.

i went to the tech school today, children. finalized some shit. tedium, here i come. at least it shall bring me to atlanta. lalala.

my tooth hurts. ow.

i'm so very sick of being diabetic. very, very sick. i want to eat gobs of candy and not be eternally hungry. fah.

i'm hungry.

6:18 p.m. E

9/21/02/ aneurism.

this makes me giggle until my head hurts.

and oh yeah, here are some of my fun happy dragoncon pictures. forgot to post them here. oh well.

i drew one of the library gryphons yesterday. it looks oh so nice. mm. i'm helping to make a banner for the x-mas parade, and we thought to put our gryphons on it. yay.

oh yeah. today is michele's birthday. she's twenty now. la. happy birthday, michele, wherever in hell you may be. hmm.

um. i got some lovely halloween decorations the other day. yay. i content now.

4:50 p.m.

9/18/02/ eek.

damnit. damnit!
yes, children, i am still in love with him.

and this... the crisp lines containing the murky mixture of colors... ah.
emotion mixed in the paint. that's what i look for.

i need to paint more. i need to find some reasonably priced oils and play with those. eeeee.

arrrrrrr! where has my creativity gone?!

8:36 p.m. E

9/17/02/ goodnight t.v.

and now, for the shortest story ever written!

ants in the carpet

"i'm a heathen!" she announced, brushing the crumbs off her skirt and levitating out of her chair.
those around her either looked up at her, and then looked away, utterly nonplussed, or ignored her completely.
she hated that.

8:54 p.m. E

9/16/02/ pulled teeth! **crack snap**

i like this. it's pritty. and. dark.
if you look at my older page, you will see deelishus treats. yes.

interesting thing happened the other day - i was eating some cheese, in the fashion that cheese-eaters have, when i all of a sudden bit down on something very hard. i was alarmed, thinking, what in hell can have been in my cheeese?? i pulled the hard thing out of my mouth, and faith and begorrah, the rear corner of an extremely drilled molar had broken off. we're talking small-pea-sized chunk of tooth, here.
ah well.

i've made a decision. when i'm done with my technical schooling (have i told you i am going to go to technical school?) and have my medical transcription diploma (did i tell you i was going to be a medical transcriptionist?) i am going to find a job in atlanta, and move there. yes. it has much more to offer me than this wreck of a place. and. stuff. i'm excited. it's all my decision, so it cannot be changed by someone else. so that means. it will happen.
bluh. i still have many months to remain here, though. yuck.

7:23 p.m. E

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