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2002-06-15/ la.

why am i writing another entry? my head hurts terribly, but it is probably from all the candy i just engulfed. (yes, i am an idiot. but i am my own idiot, so there.) i'm watching batman beyond and i'm sad and lonely. lala. i'm burning one of my black vanilla candles and thinking about... my life. arr. i went back to kat0nine and read this again. it made me melancholic. ha.

10:40 p.m. E

2002-06-15/ NOT acceptable, library DRONE!

mmhmm. i love this panel. who wouldn't? a quiet moment after a massacre. aww.

my boss went crazy for the last half hour of work today, loudly humming marching band music. it was fun. i started singing the meow mix jingle and used the student workers (who shelve books and things such as that) as punching bags. a good time was had by all.

tee. earlier in the day i said yay about something and joe (a student worker whose real name is miles, but whom i call joe[guess why]) said yay too.

"what are you doing, joe?!" says i.
"um, i'm saying yay." joe replies.
"how can you say yay, joe?!! you don't even know what i'm saying yAy abOUt!! i could be saying yay to AX MURDERERS for all YOU know!! DO YOU SAY YAY TO AX MURDERERS, JOE??"
"well DO YOU?"
"yes, i do."

i don't talk much about my job, do i? ah well. not many exceptional things happen there. i do see many, many tremendously beautiful and intelligent people though. for instance, today a woman came in whose teeth were rotted into nubby points, and many sexily filthy, disease-riddled men stared at me like the piece of fuckmeat that i am. hooray! i love mankind.

um. yes! delicious.

9:25 p.m.

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