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8/19/03/ HOTDAMN

fuck medical woes when i have a new pair of



2:07 a.m. E

8/17/03/ hooray! decay!

well. we all saw it coming. my body is slowly falling apart. ^_^ i've got psoriasis now. on my neck of all places. at least it isn't really a severe case.. just smallish red circles really. but it's spreading. hopefully it won't get any worse.
my complexion is complete hell as well.


my heart's been doing that funny little dance more often lately. heh. boy does that make me feel good. hopefully i'll die one day soon - before any of this shit gets too out of control.

on a lighter note - i got the materials to make my little gothic lolita dress friday... we were going to start working on it yesterday but then my disgusting nuclear family decided to all come over and sit their stinking asses down all day.

i hate my family.

in case you weren't aware.

ohhhhhhhhh redundantandmonotonousteenagedangst anddepressioneventhoughiamamonthand ahalffrombeingtwentyone.
mighty fuck. i'm a month and a half from being twenty one. **weep**
yes. it is time for me to complain again that i am not dead.
:P booh.

i'm quite the little ball of sunshine aren't i? ah well.

why can't... ah fuck it. it's useless.

on an actual lighter note... good for me! i saw spirited away! it was nifty! i liked it.

now to watch harry potter and the sorceror's stone and work on kim's costume for dragoncon. (i'm going to turn her into sally. yay.) ehhhh!! two weeks! only next weekend to work on all three of my costumes... poops to that.

tiptoe through the tulips with meeeee.

11:58 a.m. E

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