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04/24/2004/ bastard.

i should be content.

if not content... not so damned unhappy.

i should.

3:38 a.m.

04/10/2004/ i'm a MEAN motherfucker, gonna eat your daddy's pussy TONIIIIIGHT! - look for twigger's holiday. you won't live to regret it.

even though i enjoyed hellboy - it was good, the makeup and effects were fantastic(ABE! i don't know what it is with fishpeople..) - they kept the basic(very basic) plot while changing the story completely.

oh well.

7:25 p.m.

04/07/2004/ lazyass!

huh. my tables were all out of wack for a while causing the text here to overlap my picture.. fixed now. yay.

welll. not much to say anymore. :3 you know that i never really do anything... osedhnagwik. and my livejournal takes care of tiny comments. woo.

i've redone my website though and it is adorable! go and look.

(i should be working. at my work. which is where i am right now. haaaa.)

12:14 p.m.

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