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12/12/02/ i want a chair made of cheese and a table made of cheese and a...

the laptop's name is slick. and i am utterly in love with him. **is also disturbed**

ummm... the most horrible xmas ever aired! yeehaw. unedited, as well... except one guy did not get smooshed as he was supposed to. 45 was supposed to be smooshed, damn you all to hell.
sigh. it had the nicktoons-magazine-comic feel to it... kljsrlghnmgv yay.

tuesday will be the end of this quarter at school(which has kept me uncommonly busy :P). *a peanut just rolled out from under my pillow... some kind of omen?* i think i've gotten good grades. i dun care. as long as i've got enough to get me federal aid. meh... but seeing as how i am EXTREMELY BRILLIANT i don't think i'll have a problem...

i sold a double portrait to a fellow student today for twenny-fye... yup. she's already asked me to do another and several other people have mentioned that they would like portraits... lalala. if i can say one good thing about school, the boredom and stimuli(paradoxical, neh?) have made something snap in my head and i'm churning out the drawings of cats and monsters and all manner of other things...


my ogre father kicked and screamed and cried(literally. he kicked a hole in the bathroom door.) until he got his way and mum backed down and said they'd 'try it again'. shit, that made me angry. made me want to run at him with knives to get him out of my life. the stupid bastard! he's just a fucking child! how i hate him, how i have hated him all my life, how i want him gone away from me! i can't stand him! i realized the other day that i have not looked at his face for several years, and probably couldn't describe him in any great detail, except that he shouts and screams and throws things a lot. leave me alone, go away, don't talk to me, you worthless pile of human filth! how i detest you and every gasp of air you take in, every bit of ground you step on! make my childhood dreams come true and die horribly.

(that became quite the tirade. hmph.)

and no one believes that i am twenty.

2:18 a.m. E

12/7/02/ i'm very scared right now.

aaaaaaaahahahahaha hahahaha hahahaa a a a aaaa ahahaa ahah ahhaa ahahaha ha ah ahc ach ac, sa ihnjhb sui xn hbvnsu chnhbnd uihnjsbn bsndb n ndv bhnhvaidhnv xhjbndvabdshzbn vixun ijnmadvb lijnuxkasdnv don't you see the toenails? oh so splendid!

(it's pretty cute, actually.)

10:37 p.m. E

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