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2002-07-31/ you teenaged BITCH!

my tickets came today. huzzah. along with a catalog for the savannah college of art and design, which i'd forgotten i'd ordered.
i really want to go there. i really fucking want to go.

i'm going to apply, but most likely will not get in. one's portfolio must consist of entirely original pieces, throwing most of my work out the window. shite. that means i'll have to come up with some of my OWN stuff. gasp. this is horrible. :D oh well.

speaking of that, here's frilly!

8:51 p.m. E

2002-07-28/ thick as thieves

for some reason, lately, i have been thinking about a tiny glass fish that my best friend shayla gave me when i lived in tampa. i must have been all of seven years old.
i took that little fish to my uncle's house in orlando, stuck it in a crocheted oreo cookie magnet on his refridgerator when playing with it, and forgot about it.
for as many years after that as we stayed in contact with that uncle(we've since severed all ties with every family member on both sides) i asked him, very time i saw him, did you find my fish?
he always avoided the question. i don't know why.
i really wanted my little fish back.

i'm quiet today. i don't know. introverted and calm.

yesterday, i drew the dress i wanted to wear to the concert, and today my mummy made it for me. i hugged her many times and said, "you're the best mummy a spooky kid could ever have!"

we're going to give melora a purse mum made that looks like a hanging bat. it's very adorable. aw.

8:30 p.m. e

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