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2001-12-17/ happy pills and tampons.

man. i really need to remember my oh so delicious brainwashy happy pills. yay!

oh, late eighties tampa, how i miss you.
did you know that edward scissorhands was mostly filmed in a neighborhood in tampa? twas. i drove through it once with my family when we lived there. they had repainted the houses and everything, but.
what was it about late eighties-early nineties tampa? all of us tampons were changed.

maybe it was something in the water. damn mental instability for making me leave.

(11:45 PM E)
ok. so. go and look at my site. it's mom friendly now! yay! since my mum wants to show me off to her chums at skool.

ah, i have rediscovered the joy of coyote's rumor mill. man. good times. and i quote:
"Zim Zum is really Mr. Manson's sister (this is why the naming pattern was broken--cos he's a girl...).
Twiggy is Robin Finck's brother.
Twiggy is Robin Finck's sister.
Zim Zum is Trent's long lost sister.
Manson and Trent are brothers.
Twiggy and Zim Zum are sisters.
Twiggy and Zim Zum are brothers.
I heard someone at my school say "Manson and Twiggy are sisters and they are really black."
[So, let's try to make sense of this...if Dais and Zim are the same person, and Zimmy is Twig's sibling, as is Robin Finck, and Twiggy and Zim and Manson are all sisters, *and* Zim and Manson are *Trent's* sibs... *pause*...does that mean that Marilyn giving the onstage quickie to Robin counts as incest? What about all those rumors about Trent and Manson carrying on? And Manson's also guilty of fratricide, since he killed Daisy? and if he's also black then anything he does with anyone here except Twiggy is probably still illegal in some states ...My head hurts...]"

2:00 p.m. E

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