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08/31/2004/ nyurr nyahh nyii neh.

HEY. i'm sleepy.

i'm also at school. YES still.

this makes kat an angry girl. i want a job, that i can just go to and work on there, and then leave there when i go home. and that will pay me money.

i also want this bitch two rows ahead of me to stop staring at me EVERY DAMNED DAY. i'm not that odd looking.


thursday=the beginning of dragoncon! ZOUNDS. i'm going to cosplay as alucard from hellsing, and my friend keith(from the RWAM boards. whee) will be cosplaying as vash from trigun.. and everyone will laaaaaaugh... specially since alucard is a big tall thin MAN. and i am a big tall pudgy woman. haw. sex.


8:50 a.m.

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