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10/07/2004/ krakatoa

i am now twenty-two. i have a bicycle now as well. tomorrow i will ride it around and try desperately to find jobs.
wish me luck.

2:12 a.m.

09/23/2004/ in the land of submarines

i can't tell you anything BECAUSE -
nothing has really happened.
there was dragoncon... it was great fun and i nearly cried when i had to leave all of my fabulous friends for another year yet again.. these are the only people i touch and hug and fall all over and don't mind when they fall on top of me - and that is something! that is important. i'm hearing voices right now.
that reminds me! last night the voices talked. i think it was last night. at first i did the whole 'nono not now. shutup and leave me alone.' rigamarole.. but then i decided i wanted to listen.. and i wanted them to talk to me. and i wanted to understand what they said. but then they died down and only a few whispered and then they too left.
i went off track. was i done talking about dragoncon? basically. i saw dean haglund(the x-files's langley of the lone gunmen. AGH.) and i believe i disturbed him a bit by liking the episode 'home'.(look it up. it was only played twice.) i cosplayed as alucard from hellsing and my friend keith richards cosplayed as vash the stampede. when people learned his name they were original and told him he should cosplay as keith richards. someone said he should be mick jagger. i said davey jones.
i bought toys and things.. i managed to not see dr. demento OR mcchris.. which i regret. sigh. still i had a marvelous time.. and why not?! dragoncon!
i truly wish i had a lot of soda and alcohol right now.
no one will hire me so i am jobless and still looking.. i need to take my SAT so that i can apply for georgia state university.. and i really really must get up there soon or i shall die..
i have sworn to never return to that blasted tech school.. NEVER..
off i go to drown in bad tasting tap water..

6:25 p.m.

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