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2002-06-06/ doo-ty-doo-ty-doo-ty-doo-ty-doo-ty-doo-ty-doo!

ummm, ok. good old d-land is not letting me update... telling me i need a gold membership... surely this is a bug. la.

i need a soda. i reeeeally need a soda.

umm... i had something i was going to say, but this whole gold membership thing has stirred my mind like a bucket of warm robot chow...

whreeeee! my zim doll just needs gloves and eyes now... and it will be so very adorable... aw...

mmm... robot chow...

a small thought

surely you have seen the video for 'fell in love with a girl' by the white stripes? yes. this is one of the coolest bits of film i have seen in years and years. yes. who could have thought one could animate so neatly with legos?

7:44 pm E

2002-06-04/ "sometimes i worry about you, kat..."

NOTHING happen to-day! NOTHING! no thing wit whitz to make my brains go splodey wit deeee-lite!

poe's album 'haunted' is extremely wonderful.

8:51 p.m.

2002-06-03/ if you're so smart, EXPLAIN THIS, CLARISSA! POW!

that song always makes me laugh. yay. only after, maybe, the sixth time i listened to it did i realize it was about clarissa explains it all. (i loved that show! ah, childhood.)

hooray! i'm spunky! this excites me to no end!!! it do.

why am i now giggling like an idiot? maybe it's all the caffeine i have just injested. yum!

ummmm... oh yes! the renaissance (rennaissance? renaisance? my mind is fizzled.) fair. twere quite fun. there was a large man dressed as a troll, replete with large horns and hairy feet, and tuskies, and a bridge on his head (get it? GET IT? who's that trip-trapping over my bridge? eh? EH?!), and a lovely girly-thing dressed as titantia (the faerie queen from midsummer night's dream) with lovely wings and such... the instant i walked through the gates, a man had a lovely black lace cape ready for me to try on (i wonder why? huh? HUH?). i had not fifty-five dollars, so. yeah. my all black-with-white-and-red-striped-tights emsemble might not have done well for my body temperature, but i looked fun? yes. (i also had to wear my large black sunhat or i would have lost my ghostly pallor. fun!) anyway... what else... there were many jewelry stands with pentacles galore (you see, my friends? pentacles are happyhappyfunfun.) and i immediately bought six hematite rings for my right hand. huzzah. many clothiers, many heavy dresses, many lovely boned bodices. many monies for all. i, of little money, looked at all and scoffed. tee! i can make all this, said i! so, blablabla, lovely kim and i looked at all the shiny things, so halfway through the place i just started cawing like a crow when i saw sparklies. yay!
saw many leather goods, enough heavily studded armbands to make GWAR drool with lust, an herb shop which sold dried dragon's blood(among other things), stones a-plenty, and hand-made candles... of which i bought two black and one white natural vanilla-scented votives... ah, they is so nice. they actually release their scent when burned. yum.

i ramble a lot, no? wheee!

anyway. kim has said that i might just have to go to dragoncon with her, which is a comic book convention... hell yes! says i. i shall dress as a demon mayhap (which reminds me, i also bought some lovely shiny black curling horns at the fair, which, when tied properly to my head, look natural. hee!) and scare children. yum.

and oh yeah. i saw spiderman. yep. i surely did. yep. uh-huh.

addendum: i put the basic content of my site back up, because i want to show off all my artwork. so go look, ya bastid.

1:11 p.m.

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