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2002-08-01/ i like taquitos! they're like a clown without a head!

whooo! i laughed myself to tears over this. that there anarstasiar. she's a hoot.

ooh! there shall be an invader zim soundtrack soon! yaaaayy! i loves that music. it's ever so.

and! my mum is all connected and shit, so she got me a cheap modem from someone at skool! i is dancin' happy, muthahfukkah!
even though i was extremely morose and silent all day at work. haw. the only thing that broke me out of my deep blue funk was when a big heavy sign in front of the library fell on someone's expensive car. hehehee. it only scratched it though. d'oh.

and! i got bobby pins with long swathes of brightly colored rainbow hair on them today. yay. mum won't let me dye my hair emerald and cerulean, so i'll use weave! HA!

oh yeah... i drew pepito on my hand monday, and i've just been tracing and re-tracing over it over and over again. hehe. all this sharpie ink is surely affecting my brain. hawhaw!

8:33 p.m.

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