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2002-07-24/ what could be better than a swan dive into the asphalt?

i like to listen to the dracula 2000 soundtrack and laugh my ass off. it's so. so. even more than i am. ha! HAHA! and the pantera song is too precious in its cliched-ness. whee.

have i even mentioned that while basking in raspy in atlanta, i will be meeting my dear anarstasiar for the first time? yay!!! yet another reason for my head to fly off at some unknown time.

i took a diaryland survey. whoo. bout cartoons. whooo. um. yeah. i know a lot about a lot of cartoons. yay.

goddamn! i have been working like a goddamned dog at the library. stupid 'accelerated reader' program. stop forcing kids to check out twenty books at once, even if they won't read them! bitches. as if we didn't have enough filthy, dog-chewed, vermin covered materials to deal with already.


5:27 p.m.

2002-07-23/ eggy-weggy oh so bright! eggy-weggy... ffuck you, satan! i eat your tuna!

oh, god. who could not love that noodle.

mmmmmmmmm mmmummmmmmmmmmm buzzzbuzzzzzzzzz ZIP

listening to raspy's cover of tourniquet... yumyum... celloes...

coughcough... i hate my brother and his bathroomy-ness of doooooom! fuck bodily expulsions. ihatethemIHATETHEM.

i am in the making of a SECRET dolly. but it is SECRET so you can't know about it yet. because it is a BIG FAT SECRET. yay. secret.

lexi! oh! we should make a dolly site. in which people could submit their dollies for the viewing pleasure of dolly-loving peoples everywhere. there was a great site of dollies long ago called 'clockwork annie', with many odd pictures of doll parts and such by deadlyboo~, but i have no idea where to find anything by deadlyboo~ anymore because she used V3 addresses and those are all gone... pooh.
i liked deadlyboo~. ~~~~~(she also ran the 'i'm a zombie biker babe' webring, into which i was cordially invited, which pleased me to no end.)

oh. sigh.

i wore my b&w stripeys and boo-oo-OOts to work today. yay. ant my gothed-up hello kitty shirt over a little black velvet dress. oh YEs don't you envy my pretentious cute-goffyness. you do. which is silly because i giggled myself to absolute death(of course, i am undead, so it didn't matter /X(..)/X) over jhonen's big-headed vampire comic last night.... whoooOOOOOOooooo. spooooooky. all i need is some plastic fang-a-langs. wheee! i am much in the loving of them fangies. *teehee* i hate myself.

7:00 p.m. E

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