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2002-02-04/ umm... i don't really know what's going on here.

man, that google. someone found me under 'piggy bitch'. who would look up 'piggy bitch', and why? hehehe.

i rearranged my room today. it looks much better. right now i'm going through several piles of junk. a lot of which i do not need because. there's so much of it! even though i love every piece. hmm.
send me your post address and i might send you a katpackage. mew. (directed at anyone) sending packages is horrible fun.

hmmm ant! i just won a lot of mcdonald's barbies on ebay. yay! now i can make many portable goths and devils and such. maybe i'll sell them. maybe i'll send them to friends. maybe... maybe i'll create a tiny village in my room and pretend that i am their giant queen. and they will all cower before me and say, "oh PLEASE, great queen! do not CRUSH us underfoot!!" and i will say, "ho ho ho! how could i destroy my own creations?" and then they would all breathe huge sighs of relief and say, "yeah, i guess you've got a point there." and then i would say, "but don't think you have free rein! ohhh, no, my friends, the minute one of you acts up, it's down the toilet with you!" and they would scream in terror and the kelly doll would start crying and i would say, "but relax! as long as you abide by my rules, all will be well!" and they'll all cheer and begin chanting, "hail our gracious queen! creator of all dat spooky shit!" and i would beam my malevolent smile down upon them.

yep. that's what would happen.

11:45 p.m. E

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