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2002-05-05/ void where prohibited.

i'm a sad kitty right now. i dunno.


10:47 p.m.

2002-05-04/ dear COW, is gordie white REALLY GAY?

oh yesss... mariloon and twiggy making out on emtyvee... whippee! if i hadn't been happy before, now i be.
the girls taste like girls! the boys taste like boys!

YESIAMpathetic. wheeeeeeeee! and damn, it's fun!

i went to albany(a sad place which is THEBIGCITY around here, isn't it sad.) wif my mother today and bought things. i BOUGHT things. shazam. things including a cloth remnant to make a leetle gir doll with and AND a what's her face doll.
i have wanted a what's her face doll since they first came out. goddamn it's cute. i got the purple-haired red-plastic-panted one. wheee. you can even take her hair off. wheeeeee. she has jv eyes right now..... wheeeeeeeeee!

um. yeah. so. yeah.

i wore my boots and black & white stripey tights with a black dress and heavy eye makeup today... a gaggle of girlies said amongst themselves that i was weird... mum said i should make a shit that says, "AND PROUD OF IT", so that no matter what anyone said about me, i would be... proud of it.

i talk too much about the nothing that happens in my life. BUT DAMN. this journal is my only friend. this is what i have to talk to and to show things off to... so there. i shall go weep now. :D

10:00 p.m. E

2002-05-03/ meh.

oh my god. i just thought about: i just licked yogurt off my finger after not having washed my hands after having handled five hundred thousand library books... i'm going to die a horrible, painful, pus-filled death now. yay!

jesus, my arms and feet are aching. i think i moved about ten whole trees today (in book and paperwork form). and that's not counting the dirty, sticky video and audio tapes.

but seriously, i love my job.

and no matter how much i bitch about people in this journal, i am nothing but smiles and sweetness and tiny-little-girl voice at the library. and no matter how insane i sound in this journal, i am a whirring ball of frenzied silliness when i'm around people.
eh. but everyone loves me. if they look beyond the fact that i wear black clothes and skull earrings and knee-high platform boots.

fah. mum and i are looking for an apartment in town(and a car) so we can move out and away from my father. hooray! hooray.

6:52 p.m. E

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