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7/04/03/ we're rotten fruit

don't you love when you find your beloved long lost sewing needle in the carpet with your foots? mmmyeah.

okay.. if you don't go out RIGHT NOW(yes YOU! i'm pointing at YOU! **points like a bastard**) and buy 'hail to the thief' i will personally come over to your house and disembowel you with my thread snippers. i will. jesus lord saviour mcdicks what a brilliant album. i think i may have already memorized the whole thing. @_@ mmmmmm....

i shall now return to sewing like a good monkey. bye.

2:41 p.m. E

7/02/03/ things to live for!


okay. that was stupid. but i'm leaving it there because i want to get back to making my doll.

hail to the thief by radiohead. motherfucker.

my new edward scissorhands dvd. holy fucking hell. (ise gonna say fuck s'more. ^_^)

the doll i'm working on. the subject. FUCK YEAH.

marilyn marilyn marilyn marilyn. (who the FUCK does tim skold think he is?! smearing his fucking makeup like he's been there all ALONG?!! but i like his contribution.. BUT STILL.)

x-men: evolution. (yes nightcrawler. shut the FUCK up. :D )

diet mountain dew code red. hooray for long pretentious names.

harry potter.

they might be giants. the flaming lips. coldplay.

lemony snicket. i have all the books now. YAY. sera and i are planning to found the church of spookycute.. in a revival tent.. somewhere in the swamps of florida. or near atlanta. yeah. it'll be part church revival.. part carnival.. part freak show.. part kooky happy cute halloweeny candy party THINGY. :D

oh yeah... SPOOKYCUTE.

10:43 p.m. E

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