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2001-11-19/ happy nny.

this was too goddamned adorable for me to not use immediately.
gaw, i wish i didn't get so proud of myself :D

gAsp! nny, he is speaking with MINE WORDS?? how, HOW is this possIble?
i is a-feared?!

(expect more, OH YES, more, after i go mail some things and such. yay!!)

(4:46 p.m. E)
nine dollars and seventry five cents to mail two packages and get one five dollar money order! whoooo.
ok, so so far i have scanned many things from my big pile of paper goods. about fifty things. spawn and very old spiderman and nny and stephen gammell's illustrations from the scary stories books (mmm tasty) and alice in wonderland (along with illustrations from another carroll book) and movie vampires :D and of course darling dear Mariloon. and to be self-indulgent, calvin and hobbes. but they're eville calvin and hobbes pictures. hee. now to edit those. and, on to gallavant about the internet, and my digital Manson picture collection, and other such things, to find more lovely pictures and ideas. my, this is fun. :D **has a good time**

(5:21) hey, amy. wink wink, nudge nudge. :D
and oh my god, i just got 'let's recap, shall we?', toothbrush. :D

**hides depression well! yay!**

12:58 p.m. E

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