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06/01/2004/ grain of sand 21 hands

meowmeow. i live!

note to self: write something here.

note to you: the subject of this entry was a spam mail subject line. awwwww.

8:07 a.m.

05/21/2004/ x-posting!

why the hell are people being SO EVIL over gay marriage???

i.. my brain just can't grasp it! it makes me so angry and confused and hurt that so many people could be filled with so much hatred for another kind of people.. over people wanting to express their love for each other. how can people want to amend the fucking constitution to make gay marriage illegal?? they're not hurting anyone! it's not like they're terrorists! if you are offended by homosexuality, that's YOUR problem. there's no reason for amendments.. it's not fair to deny the rights of anyone.

if this happens.. if gay marriage is banned.. what's next? separate bathrooms and water fountains?

i don't especially believe in marriage.. i've seen too many people ruined by it. ^_^

but i do believe in love, and the happiness of others. i don't want to be married, but i'm happy for others who do. if someone finds another someone whom they love and want to spend the rest of their life with, why should anyone else deny them that? that's criminal.

i try not to be political about anything because everything is such a horrid mess, but this just breaks my heart. i may not be fully gay, but i am human.

god i miss bill clinton.

12:30 p.m.

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