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2001-12-31/ weight gain! ketchup packets! sleepovers! makeup!

ugh. i'm getting so fat. i need to just. stop. eating. damn me and my gluttony. damn me!!!


i need to restock my supply of ketchup packets and suger-free jello. yes. these things will save me.

though. it is so very hard to find hunt's ketchup in packets. damn it!! i know it is made, because one restaurant in town offers it... fuck heinz!

um. rambling again. yay!

hallie hallie called me up and invited me to a new year's eve sleepover. awww. i happy. i likes sleepovers. yay!
she got a geetar for chrimmah. i shall rock out on it, yes? no. i don't know how to play guitar. you're wrONg, thom! wRONg!

i'm taking my enormous makeup box. and as god is my witness, by the end of the night, SOMEone. SOME ONE. will be caked with makeup.

4:59 p.m. E

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