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6/20/03/ like OMG!!!11!1one

**cries and cries**

5:08 p.m. E

6/13/03/ set fashion not follow

yes.. i've become an incredibly vain thing. yes. that mouth is mine.

umm... notable things i guess...

inducted into the 'honors society' at school. whatever that is and will do for me.
making a secret thing. it's all secret and stuff.
got a 'series of unfortunate events' magic 8 ball off ebay. how i love this thing. **asks it** will i ever find true happiness? **it answers** CONCENTRATE AND GO AWAY
two week break from school coming up. um. yeah.
still haven't unpacked.
lexi is back! joy.
comma key still dead.
gettin' fatter.
tired. want to die.


1:03 a.m. E

6/11/03/ there might be something wrong with us.

frilly chinbob: ohhh ho ho.. the hurtin' i wanted to apply in that theater.
heartshapedskull: the unspeakable hunger was upon you, huh?
frilly chinbob: i kept myself in check. i wanted to see the movie.
heartshapedskull: you coulda been all sneaky about it.
frilly chinbob: i supposed i could have crushed a few tracheas at least. but it was late.
heartshapedskull: some killer you turned out to be.
frilly chinbob: i'm sorry.
if it was a bigger city where i could be less conspicuous, or if i was superman, maybe... and here the people wouldn't appreciate it.
heartshapedskull: you could rule them if you wanted to. rule them with the constant fear of head-consumption.
frilly chinbob: hmmm. **strokes chin in contemplation**
but who would WANT to rule them?
and i'm so lazy.
heartshapedskull: you could make them do your bidding. that is, if you have any bidding to do.
frilly chinbob: hmm.. i would like a palatial mansion built entirely with the bones of the innocent...
heartshapedskull: yeah. guilty bones are always so brittle.
frilly chinbob: innocent bones tend to be younger, therefore more flexible.
heartshapedskull: true.
heartshapedskull: i want a house built from nothing but OLD innocent bones.
frilly chinbob: those just might be stronger.


frilly chinbob: oh, i thought we were talking of raw flesh here.
heartshapedskull: well, sure. if you don't mind the diseases.
frilly chinbob: i tend to just leave the head for the cats and go for the chops.
heartshapedskull: i did that for a while, but the faces just creeped me out. the cats took so long to eat them away.
frilly chinbob: that's why you've got to throw 'em out back and call the cats there.
heartshapedskull: but they're so FINICKY.
frilly chinbob: don't you have a bonfire pit though? just roll them on in there with a stick once the cats have done with them.
heartshapedskull: no, bonfires are strongly discouraged in the city.
frilly chinbob: ahhh. you need a woodchipper then.

7:24 p.m. E

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