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2002-08-23/ radio won't even play my jams

arrrrrr can't get eminem out of my head. will have to buy one of the child's records one day. have no money right now, spent twelve dollars i do not have on rasputina off of amazon. head hurts.

a&w is now making diet. much huzzah.

i'm very fat. very very fat. i look down and i am seeing: fat. fat is not good for kat. **has been giggling like an idiot since she began typing**

9:26 p.m.

2002-08-21/ do this smell?


except. i can't ftp anything so i had to upload all that to gurlpages (fah) which puts banners on EVERYTHING. bitches. i want my pooter in working order again! **cries** so i can ftp directly from my hard drive and not have to use three whole floppies and such and so forth and so on.


don't look for the hidden picture of me standing with anarstasiar! don't do it! your eyes will HATE you! RAH!!!

8:00 p.m. E

2002-08-17/ move a-side and let the man go through. let the man go through.

**does the i hate children dance until her legs crumble into many tiny pieces**

the library is an unforgiving bitch! but, i enjoy working there more than... working at. another place.

fah. i hate wal-mart. it has many fun things, but the crowds of extremely young and extremely old are too much for me. i hate the extremely young and the extremely old. DEATH TO THE EXTREMELY YOUNG AND THE EXTREMELY OLD. yay!
but they have not only! count chokula cereal, they have booberry AND frankenberry, which i have NEVer EVer seen before! GOOD LORD!
i have asked for the cereals for my birthday. because. i know that count chokula is ass-clenchingly delicious. and i must consume mass quantities of the other two, since i never have. screeem.
and. there were little resin cats and resin cats in jack-o-lanterns with loops on them there, which i shall now make into jewelry. and the package said SPOOKY FUN! i could not resist. spooky fun is what i am made of.

7:28 p.m. E

2002-08-16/ ants in the carpet


so i got my pictures back, and everyone looks great in them excepting me. why? WHY you ask? because. i am hideous. so don't look at me.

**tries to eat ice cube, gets plastic ice in the shape of a bat instead. does not eat.**

um. i have nothing else to say.
i think i cut too much of my big toenail off last night. my toe is sore. :C

9:12 p.m. E

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