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02/07/2006/ sekai jiyuu ga TRAMPREEN

i miss everyone! i miss everything. though i have known no one and nothing. i miss it all.

to be as eloquent as i was when i was a teenager.. that would be nice. i've lost my head, though, i'm afraid. what little brain i had in it rattled off into the wind.

oh yes, i am still very depressed. oh yes. many more reasons have cropped up, you know? my livejournal knows a little about it, but not much. i don't communicate well with anyone anymore. not even myself.

i'm sorry i have neglected you, oh diaryland diary. i have had you for so very very long that i forget. and this was not even my first diaryland journal, oh no! i had another, and it went back longer. it is dead now, though. long dead.

i am STILL obsessed mightily with one piece. i am very depressed now that i have no computer and cannot get recently subtitled episodes. OH WAN PEES. COME BACK TO ME.

oh! i forgot. yes. i had to leave my nice apartment there and move back in with both parents. i hate my father so much, i wish i had to courage to kill him. i do.

2:37 p.m.

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