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04/07/2005/ it continues.

i can't tell what's going on inside me; i don't know.

i've graduated tech school finally - i have four certificates and two diplomas.
i haven't got a job yet but mum is going to help me get an apartment tomorrow. the job search will continue on foot as i am moving in over the coffee shop in town. (maybe i can get a job in the coffee shop.)
i hope there are ghosts. the building is a hundred years old and was once the hospital.

um.. i went to the community clinic and such. they said i wasn't doing as badly as i thought. hooray.

nothing's really changed you know. sadly my brain has left me for an indeterminate amount of time. i have become addicted to making action figure comics.
i do nothing. make nothing. am nothing.

AH. this thing depresses me. it makes me think.
go to my livejournal if you want soemthing more vibrant.

11:50 p.m.

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