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2002-08-28/ in the not-so-distant future, somewhere in time and space

what's that, you say? i haven't mentioned anything about dragoncon? oh yes! DRAGONCON! and who, oh dear me, WHO will i be able to see (possibly talk to)? why, only a certain wonderful glasses-wearing comic book creating person.
i am projectile vomiting with excitement. eeep!

and not only will that certain wonderful glasses-wearing comic book person be there, but kevin murphy and mike nelson (mike nelson!) from MST3K will be there. oh, my.

hee. a girl from the zim boards has requested that i ask said spiffo comic book person whether or not he likes biscotti. hee. and so i shall. (and i shall ask him to bless my zim doll. teehee.)

**dances a dance** all these diaryland peoples with zim on their pages are making me want to finish my tallest layout. wooooooo. i love the tallest. hmph. if i could find the right fabrics, i would make dolls of them. hee! (and they would have to be rather large, to be in proportion with zim. heeee!) and then lots of people would be jealous of me, what with having lovable dolls and such. yay!

by the way. the top-secret TOP-SECRET doll is finished except for her skirt and some paint touching-up. she looks very odd and i am not fond of her proportions (but i keep in mind that i have never done a sculpted and sewn doll before). pooh. i need lace! LACE!

11:32 a.m. E

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