
09/26/2020/ i want to be the ------- with the most cake.

my mood of late is quite good, really. i have been on abilify (a great big dose, shot in my ass every month) for yeeears now. and. uh. it helps me. damn it all. damn everything! pills and shots are my fucking friends. poo on you if you don't believe in modern medicine. haha.
what was i going to talk about? garg
i have been working and working on my wretched little dollie. how i love her. one day i will finish her and THEN! the world.
then i will make many clothes for her and cast her in resin and send the resin copy on its merry way to aaron. yep. let's wait to see how much the postage will be for that huge and heavy package! FULL OF MY LOVE AND HOPES AND DREAMS!!
jesus, kat, calm down. nobody cares. yay!

i waited. i waaaaited.and then... in the mail, came my 12 20 gauge 5/16th rainbow-iodized earrings! oh! but i forgot about gauges and ordered 20, when i had been wearing 14... i thought twenty was bigger. but no! smaller. poop. plus! these are so small that i cannot get the captive beads into them. ohhhhhh horrors!
wow am i boring.
um uhhh i also got a flu shot today? pharmacist dude did NOT believe that i was 38. must be my green hair.

9:07 p.m.

hi andrew i still luv u